Cunca - Clean running water

Cunca is a small village located at the top of a desolate Peruvian mountain, about 45 minutes from the nearest main road.  In late 2013, the villagers collected funds to build a small one-room school, which a teacher uses to teach first through sixth grade to about 10 students. Unfortunately though, the villagers barely had enough money to complete the room so installing either a restroom or running water was not possible.  And to make this story worse, is the fact that a ¾” water line runs right next to the school going to other nearby village houses. 

Our goal for this project was then fairly obvious, to give the Cunca school a large sink and access to clean running water.  We also gave the school: soap for a year, a large mirror next to the sink, a step-stool for the smaller children, one soccer and one volleyball, an air pump, and basic school supplies to all the students. 

The total project cost was $284, helping 10 children.  It took one day to buy supplies and 6 to 7 hours to install the sink with running water; all thanks to all our volunteers. 

Also, we want to give a very special thanks to our sponsors and good friends of this project: Scott and Carrie O’Connor!!  Thanks to them, we were able to make this project a reality.  Thanks guys!