Fix the well -- chamka check primary school, CAMBODIA
Compared to most schools in the region, Chamka Check Primary School has a fantastic water well. The well is much deeper than most, which ensures water access even in the dry season and is located right next to the school. Unfortunately, these last two years the well has been out of service, even after repeated attempts to fix it. Currently, the school is solely dependent on rainwater and on another nearby school for clean water. However, because the children are so young and the school has so few teachers, it's difficult to transport a lot of water at a time.
To improve the school’s situation, we knew that the well had to be fixed. What complicated things for everyone, was the fact that the village was located two hours away from the nearest large city. Thanks to a good friend though, Samnang Sok – a Buddhist Monk, and days of searching for the right person/crew to fix the well we found someone willing to try. And after a lot of work, persistence, and finding the right part… they fixed it.
Additionally, we gave the school: a custom-made portable hygiene station that we designed ourselves, enough bars of soap for a year, two soap trays, one large plastic bin to hold some of the soap, two water buckets, two volleyballs, two soccer balls, one air-pump, one volleyball net, and 3 large trash cans. The hygiene station is primarily being used by the students before school starts and by the mothers that prepare simple meals to the children at the school.
The total project cost was $726, directly helping 188 students.